With obedience to the Lord and fulfillment to His invitation to serve, we produced 13 successful episodes on the book of revelation. We went to Turkey and recorded the programs visiting the seven churches and the Patmos Island where John saw the vision and wrote the book of Revelation. Thousands of people watched these programs and many of the Arabic Christian TV channels aired them many times. People were very excited to see the Biblical places and how the Word of God made it to us.

We plan to do the same idea by producing programs and call them “The Steps of Jesus and Moses”. As most of the people love to follow and see where Moses and Christ walked and lived we plan to produce 26 television programs following the steps of Jesus and Moses in Egypt, Jordan and Israel. The ACC will go to these places and record the Biblical historical places on location. These programs are intended to serve as an outreach ministry to reach the people – all people- with the wonderful shared news that they are loved. Through the explanations of the message of salvation through Jesus Christ and the life of a faithful servant like Moses, we trust that transformation of the hearts will happen and the victory of the Cross will be proclaimed. The costs of these productions are estimated to reach $50,000.

