
About Dr. Hisham Kamel

The Arabic Communication Center was established at 1991 by Dr. Hisham Kamel with a vision to introduce Christ to millions of Arabs in the Middle East and abroad.

Dr. Kamel is the author of Jesus and the Quran, Communicating the Gospel to Muslims; Allah, Is He One? and a book of children’s Bible stories in Arabic. He also the auther of several books in Arabic such as “The Spirit of God”, “Enter the Presence of the Lord.” , “Start cell groups ministry in your church” “Understand the Trinity| and 10 small booklets.


ACC-Hisham-6Dr. Kamel is in demand as a speaker at international evangelistic conferences. He has spoken in Peru, Brazil, Japan, Australia, England, France, Cypress, Germany, Canada, and Korea (eight times); and frequently travels across the U.S. to address convocations and congregations. In the forefront of spiritual diplomacy, he has visited Baghdad where he met with the Iraqi Minister of Religion.


He is the Arabic International Coordinator for the world-wide evangelistic project, AD 2000; and a member of the Third World Mission Association (which is based in Korea). His work has been honored with both the Angel and Halo awards. He was nominated by the American Biographical Institute for the Outstanding Leadership Award in 1996.


He holds a Th.M. in Communications (1990) and a Doctorate in Missiology (1991) from Fuller Theological Seminary. He earned a certificate in Evangelism from the Billy Graham Association in 1994. He also holds a B.Div. Degree (1982) from the Evangelical Seminary of Cairo, Egypt and attended Ain Shams University of Cairo. ACC-Brazil-2


Dr. Kamel is the founder and pastor of the Arabic Presbyterian Church in Temple City, California.


Hisham  Kamel was born in Cairo, Egypt on June 5, 1957. He grew up with two brothers and a sister in a home where his father was an Evangelical Christian (Presbyterian) lay leader.


His father started a church in their home at which Hisham accepted Christ at the age of 13. His father passed away two years later, but the church continued and thrives today in Cairo.


After finishing college and serving in the Egyptian armed forces, he was ordained as well as married in 1984. He served as the Superintendent of Sunday Schools for the Presbyterian Church of Egypt from 1984-1988.


He came to Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. in 1988 to enrich his ministry  by studying communications. Working on his master’s degree in Theology, he was mentored by Dr. Viggo Sogaard, professor of communications. It was Dr. Sogaard who suggested that his thesis be on reaching Muslims.


ACC-Hisham-3Challenged spiritually and intellectually by the message of his own thesis, he studied missiology at Fuller under Dr. Dudley Woodbury.


Upon graduation, he received offers from several highly respected ministries but he continued to pray earnestly as to what he should do to best utilize his gifts and knowledge of communications to minister to Muslims.


Ray Carlson of Glenray Communications, a distributor of Christian films, mentored his efforts at production.


Dr. Kamel decided in 1992 to found the Arabic Communication Center.


The Cup – Brazil 2014

Brazil-Film-Srip“The Cup”, our six TV programs produced for the World Cup in Brazil were broadcasted by 7 satellite channels covering the world. Millions of Arabs, especially youths watched the programs in the Middle East, Europe, Australia, Canada and USA. It was the only Christian programs dealing with the World Cup – a sure acclamation of the Word being proclaimed to all people.

Responding to the call to serve, an ACC team of volunteers from the USA and Canada traveled to Brazil to during the games. The direct blessings unto this team enabled them to film the six episodes of the program that reached the multitudes. The limitations the team experienced – modest resources and challenging operating conditions, did not discourage the team or deny them the privilege to achieve their stated goal. The job was completed and well done. Thank you for supporting the ACC vision – Making Christ Known among Arabs. People of the Middle East, who are mostly of Muslim faith, deserve to experience the Love of God, manifested in the Person of Jesus Christ. They are thirsty to hear the message of the redeeming power of this and only God of love and mercy. It is with this mandate that the ACC embarks on these tasks, so Arabs, and particularly the young, will celebrate the awesomeness of God’s transforming message – “Come to me as I care and shepherd you”. The ACC appreciates the appropriateness and good timing of using sports as a venue to reach and preach the Word.

ACC-Brazil-TV-2Our next project will be going to Brazil again to produce six new programs for the Olympic Games titled “Be a Winner”. With the readiness to serve, our volunteers who believe in the ACC vision are willing to donate their time and talent toward this demanding project. This gift of love will keep the cost of producing the episodes to the amount of $12,000. We anticipate that this amount will cover the costs of travel and accommodations.

Also, we will follow this project with another one to produce six television programs to air during the World Cup in Moscow where the Soccer World Cup will be held. The title of the programs will be “win before the last whistle”. The goal of this project is to encourage the young generations to know Christ before the time runs out. The cost of the production of this project is expected to reach $15,000.